De Pere TV broadcast more than 90 public meetings in 2018


In 2018 alone, De Pere TV recorded over 90 meetings, which accounted for more than 4,500 hours of broadcasting time on our cable access TV channel.  The station rotates the broadcast schedule so all viewers, no matter what shift they work, can watch the meetings. 

De Pere TV is the government access cable channel for the City of De Pere.  Its primary purpose is to record and disseminate the public meetings of various boards and committees. De Pere provides this invaluable service to make local government accessible to the citizens of De Pere, to promote citizen access and exposure to local government, and further government accountability. Meetings are transmitted live, rebroadcast on TV, and archived online for video-on-demand viewing. “While it may not be the most exciting content available on TV, we at De Pere TV are extremely proud to be able to offer this civic service to our residents,” said Kevin Clark, Video Production and Marketing Coordinator.