Intern Chris Valley learns media skills at Janesville JATV and wins award

Chris operates a camera for JATV at one of the many outdoor concerts the media center covers annually.

Chris operates a camera for JATV at one of the many outdoor concerts the media center covers annually.

Chris Valley was a rising senior at Janesville Craig High School when he began working at JATV.  “I was looking for a job in the field I was interested in – filmmaking – when someone told me about an ad on Facebook for interns needed at Janesville JATV.  I didn’t know anything about JATV, but I got an interview and was hired.”

The paid internship qualified for school credit under his high school’s youth apprenticeship program and Chris was excused from the last hour of school to work at JATV two or three times a week for two or three hours each time.  “Alan, Tina and Bujar taught me how to edit, put me on production crews, and encouraged me to take on independent projects.  I’ve really learned a lot and I’ve enjoyed it.  Every day is different.  It all depends on what is happening in the community.”

Alan Luckett, Director of Janesville JATV, said he likes to have one or two high school or college interns on staff.  Alan uses them for multi-camera event coverage when more production staff is needed and he likes to give the interns production work.  “We put our interns in situations where they can learn skills and get helpful advice on their work,” said Alan. “They’re here to learn.”

Last year, Hedberg Library, where JATV is located, asked the media center to do a PSA about how they are operating during the COVID lockdown.  Alan assigned the project to Chris.  “There were a few requirements,” said Chris, “but it was up to me to use my own creative ideas.  I got to talk with the library about what they needed, shoot the footage, pick out the music, create the script, do the graphics and edit it all together.  The staff was there to help me when I needed it.”  In 2021, Chris entered the PSA in the Best of the Midwest Media Fest and was awarded a top Excellence Award in the amateur category.  

Now Chris is enrolled as a freshman at UW-Milwaukee and is taking courses online from home in Janesville.  His academic goals have changed somewhat.  “After the first semester, I decided to become a kinesiology and exercise science major.  I really enjoy fitness training and working out.”  But Chris hasn’t left filmmaking behind.  “What I’m doing now is combining my interest in photography, video and exercise and working with gyms to produce exercise videos.”  Chris is also making some money doing wedding photography and videos and he’s got a couple events already lined up for this summer.  

Chances are, he’ll be doing that along with putting some hours in at JATV.  “When our interns leave for school, they usually return for a summer or two and holiday breaks,’ said Alan.  “If the work is available, we keep them on our payroll, and they can get some extra summer money.  We have been fortunate to hold onto our interns for a couple of years or more.”  Chris is certainly on board with the idea.  “The people at JATV make working there interesting and fun!”